Thursday, May 31, 2012

Song Of The Day

Today I was in my local album store, looking through the old vinyl when I found this box full of free posters. If you don't know this about me I absolutely love posters, so I was pretty excited to say the least. I 'm going through it and snagging some great posters, Ha Ha Tonka, Dr. Dog, The Antlers etc. While going through this box, I kept seeing this poster for a band I hadn't heard of, but it was a cool poster so I grabbed it. I got home and decided to look up the band -Sonny and the Sunsets- and found that I really like them. So here's your song of the day.

Teenage Thugs - Sonny and the Sunsets

Hope you enjoy


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Song Of The Day

It's the last day of high school here in Boulder, Colorado! Here's the song of the day, and I promise it's not Alice Cooper. It's got a solid groove, more than a solid groove, it's got a helluva groove.

Rock It - Little Red

Hope you enjoy,


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mashed Potatoes

Mashups, they're pretty cool conceptually, but there are a lot of terrible mashups out there, so, I've decided to put together a list of some of my favorites. (there are going to be a lot from Tupac so get ready for that). If you don't know, a mashup is a combination of at least two songs into one song (the background from song A with the lyrics from song B and so on)

I'm not going to put up that many though, only my favorites.

1. Thugz Mansion x Tears In Heaven - Tupac Shakur v Eric Clapton

2. Tupachelbel's Canon (Dear Mama x Canon In D) - Tupac Shakur v Johan Pachelbel

3. Octopus's Santeria (Octopus's Garden x Santeria) - The Beatles v Sublime

Hope you like those

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pre-Mature Summer Vibes

Graduation, it's so damn near, but there are still AP tests and finals in the way. This playlist is the light at the end of the tunnel that is this next week. If you all are feeling like I am, this will either save you, or make you want to kill your self. Well, fasten your seat belts. We're going to Summerville.

Fancy Beer - Two Man Gentleman Band (sorry it's live.) I can't think of a better to start off the summer with than 2MGB

When They Fight They Fight - The Generationals Gotta love this 60's type stuff.

As Long As I Have You - The Detroit Cobras

Big Escape - Pearly Gate Music

Usual Suspects - Ha Ha Tonka

Plage - Crystal Fighters

Turn Cold - Cut Off Your Hands

Two - The Antlers

The Proposition - The Budos Band

Those were the first 9. And the final one is one that should be on every summer playlist

Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine Show

Hope you like that, don't worry, this is the first of many playlists to come.
Keep on keepin on ya'll.